Top Tips – Staying Safe When Driving Through Construction Sites

There is always a lot of construction going on, and driving through construction sites comes with its own set of challenges. Here are a few tips on how to stay safe, originally posted in our Motorists Resources.

1. Avoid Distractions

Distracted driving, such as sending a text or email, checking social media, talking on the phone, or eating while driving, are not only illegal in many parts of the world, but are also extremely dangerous.

Anything that diverts your attention away from the task of driving significantly increases your risk for being involved in an accident. Combine that with the increased risks of a construction zone and the chances of causing an accident are significantly increased.

To avoid distractions, drivers should:

  • Dedicate your full attention to the road
  • Put away anything that could distract you
  • Leave multi-tasking for when you are not driving
  • Limit the number of passengers in your vehicle who can pull your attention
  • Make any adjustments to your GPS, radio, seats, mirrors and AC before you get underway

2. Keep a Safe Distance Between Vehicles

Traffic will slow down as you approach and travel through a work zone. As congestion increases around you, you should make sure to keep a safe distance between your vehicle and those around you.

If the vehicle in front of you suddenly comes to a complete stop or another obstacle obscures your lane of travel, you will need time and space to stop.

Rear-end collisions are the most common type of car accident in construction zones. Although a minor fender bender may only cause limited damage to your vehicle, more serious accidents can cause severe damage and injuries, such as whiplash and broken bones.

3. Adhere to Posted Speed Limits and Other Signage

Speed limits change in construction zones for a reason. Make sure you follow the posted speed limit and obey all other posted signage in the area.

Signs will warn you of upcoming construction zones, when you should merge, if there is a new traffic pattern and if there is a flagger ahead, among many other important messages.

Always make sure you exercise caution and obey all signs and warnings.

4. Merge Responsibly

Merging in construction zones is often a serious hazard for motorists. When larger roads are reduced to one or two lanes, it can create confusion and congestion.

Minimise your risk by merging early and well ahead of where the lane ends.

5. Plan Ahead to Avoid Delays

If you know that your route includes a construction zone, plan ahead and give yourself extra time for your commute. Knowing where work zones are and checking traffic before you leave can help you avoid an unexpected delay.

When setting out for your commute, you should also expect the unexpected. Traffic patterns can change daily and workers, equipment and work vehicles may unexpectedly enter your lane without warning.

6. Remain Calm

If you find yourself stuck in construction zone track, remain calm. Becoming angry and aggressive will not help you move through the area any faster, but it could push you to engage in risky actions that put you and the others around you in danger.

Source: gregmonforton

Posted In: Safety Tips

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