On 8 June at around 09:45 a taxi towing a trailer was travelling towards Pretoria on the R24 North when the driver allegedly lost control of his vehicle and collided into a barrier. It is suspected that a blow-out of a rear tyre could have been the cause of the accident. The SAPS Flying Squad members were first on the scene and immediately contacted emergency services.

The Matrix Road Safety Association vehicle arrived shortly after and the onboard Emer-G-Med medic began to assess and treat the injured patients.

Terence Teixeira, from the Matrix Road Safety Association, says 11 passengers were injured. “Injuries sustained ranged from light to moderate injuries and the Emer-G-Med medics transported two of the patients to a nearby hospital.”

Teixeira highlights the importance of checking that your tyres are in a good condition. “This accident may have been avoided had the tyres been checked and perhaps replaced. Drivers need to check the tread depth on all tyres and replace these well before they reach the regulatory minimum depth of 1.00 mm. This will not only reduce the chances of having a blow-out but will also reduce the risk of aquaplaning on wet roads,” he advises.