MiX Telematics (the holding company of Matrix Vehicle Tracking) received an appeal from the Midrand SPCA earlier this week for food donations for their 120 dogs and 70 cats.
The MiX Telematics employees as well as a few of their Fitment Centres opened their hearts, cupboards and wallets and MiX Telemtics managed to raise R14 000 and gather around 20 bags and 30 cans of dog and cat food in only two days!
The donation and food was dropped off at the SPCA on 9 November by some of the very excited MiX Telematics employees
“This was a great effort from the MiX Telematics team and we hope that others will follow suit and support the SPCA at this time. It is the season of giving and the SPCAs around the country are in dire need. Let’s all step up and make a difference today,” says Brendan Horan, General Sales and Marketing Manager MiX Telematics.
Corporate Social Investment
MiX Telematics believes education is the cornerstone of upliftment and the socio-economic development of South Africa. We therefore support local efforts focusing on education and training initiatives within previously disadvantaged communities.
The economic downturn has dealt the helping hands of the business sector a severe blow. Many companies have been unable to continue their support of non-governmental organisations (NGOs) – and thus millions of less fortunate people in our society such as orphans and vulnerable children.
Despite the harsh economic climate, MiX Telematics continues to empower orphans and vulnerable children to ensure that they are given a brighter tomorrow.
For more information on this and other Social Investment Projects visit www.mixtelematics.co.za.